As a part of your SESA member benefits, you receive complimentary access to the Systems Engineering Journal.
Systems Engineering is an international scholarly journal and a primary source of multidisciplinary information for the systems engineering and management of products and services, and processes of all types.
Members can access full-text versions of papers and access PDF copies via downloads. Members must first login on the INCOSE website in order to access the online journal using this direct link:
Wiley Interscience – Systems Engineering
NOTE: You do NOT need to login on the Wiley site once you are connected. Your access credentials are provided through the linked connection.
The journal Systems Engineering aims to publish manuscripts on topics related to the discipline of Systems Engineering. The journal welcomes original submissions on the conceptualization, design, implementation, operation, sustainment, and recycling, reuse, and retirement of technologically enabled systems that satisfy stakeholder needs throughout the lifecycle. This includes products and services in the private sector, as well as defense and public infrastructures and socio-technical systems whose precise boundaries are often challenging to define. Systems engineers consider, among others, defining stakeholder needs and customer requirements, trading off alternatives, focusing design team creativity, developing system architecture and design, managing the system complexity over time, establishing and maintaining quality, cost, schedule, risk, and opportunity under uncertainty, manufacturing and realization, understanding performance and safety during operations, training and support, as well as recycling and disposal at the end of life. The topics systems engineers consider provides a focus for the scope of Systems Engineering including encouraging contributions studying fundamental systems science to further define the underpinnings of the discipline, the design and operation of systems and systems-of-systems; the application of systems engineering to enterprises and complex socio-technical systems; the identification, selection and development of systems engineers; as well as the operation and evolution of systems and systems-of-systems over their entire lifecycle.
Systems Engineering is included in the Web of Science, Scopus, INSPEC and Ei Compendex indices.
January, March, May, July, September, and November.
The journal is always open for paper submission. We especially encourage INCOSE members to consider publication of your work that fits the journal Aims and Scope, as you are our major stakeholders!
Manuscripts submitted to Systems Engineering should report original research that contributes significantly to the body of knowledge in the field of systems engineering that aligns with the journal’s Aims and Scope. The journal publishes papers in 4 categories. Although published page lengths are stated, these are not hard limits, they intended as guidelines.
The Author Guidelines offer details about the structure and types of papers acceptable for journal consideration.
To submit a paper for consideration for publication, go to the Systems Engineering Wiley online library website, and select Contribute, then Submit a Manuscript.
Want to become a peer reviewer for journal articles? See our Call for Reviewers. This involves creating an account on the ScholarOne ManuscriptCentral journal paper management system, which adds your name to the database of reviewers used by editors to invite reviewers to comment on manuscripts. Systems Engineering uses a single-blind review process, where editors and reviewers know the names of the authors, but the authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their paper.
Membership in INCOSE does not influence either the review or publication decision of manuscripts submitted.
Dr. Clifford Whitcomb
Deputy Editor
Dr. Rob Vingerhoeds
Managing Editor
Mary Vizzini
Sue Blessing
Advertising Representative
Phone: +1 201-748-6819 /