
March 2, 2021

SESA and the systems approach at the EA Climate Smart Engineering Conference 2021

The Climate Smart Engineering Conference 2021 will demonstrate the pivotal role of engineering in providing sustainable solutions, systems and efficiencies, which in turn provides the pathway by which business and government may avoid serious climate consequences.

SESA has been invited by Engineer Australia’s Chief Engineer, Jane MacMaster, to be a key member in the design and execution of this conference. SESA and the systems approach will be a focus area for the conference and we encourage all members to contribute.

The conference will be held from the 16 to 17 November 2021 as a hybrid event.… Read more

December 18, 2020

New Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering from Australia’s National University 

Great news for SESA members – ANU has released a new Graduate Certificate of Systems Engineering.

This Graduate Certificate can be completed as a standalone postgraduate qualification or used as a pathway to a Master of Engineering at ANU.

Applications close Sunday 31 January. Apply now to start studying in 2021.


There are many ways to study systems engineering in Australia. Below is a list of existing Australian providers of systems engineering courses and training:




  • AcmenaSystems engineering training available across multiple areas available for private delivery by prior arrangement
  • University of New South Wales – Systems engineering training available across multiple areas available in person or online via Coursera with ability to attain credits for the UNSW Masters of Systems Engineering
  • Eggler Technology – Systems engineering training available across multiple areas available in person or online on demand
  • Project Performance International – Systems engineering training available across multiple areas available in person and live online
  • Nova Systems – Systems engineering training available across multiple areas available in person
  • Engineering Education Australia – Introduction to Systems Engineering for Public Transport 

Please note that this list includes the Australia providers of systems engineering courses and training available at this time as known to the author.… Read more

November 29, 2020

SESA submission to Australian Government on “Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance”

SESA was pleased to provide feedback on the Australian Government’s consultation paper on “Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance”. The consultation paper outlined a security and resilience framework for Australia in terms of three key elements:

  1. Positive Security Obligations;
  2. Enhanced Cyber Security Obligations; and
  3. Government assistance for entities subject to cyber-attacks.

The consultation paper sought feedback from owners and operators of critical infrastructure, state and territory governments, academia and the Australian public, through a series of (36) questions, to contribute to the design and delivery of the proposed resilience framework.… Read more

November 29, 2020

SESA involvement in Systems Engineering Standards

SESA participates through the Standards Australia Technical committee IT-015 Software and Systems Engineering, which is the National body representing Australia on the international technical committee ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 by the same name. SESA also partners with the INCOSE Standards Initiative as a Category A liaison to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 that provides editors and working group conveners for a number of the keystone standards that underpin the SE discipline. (See SC7 Standards Collection below).

 Key among these standards is ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems Engineering Life Cycle Processes, edited by Garry Roedler, the INCOSE Immediate Past President.Read more

September 27, 2020

Abstracts open for IPEC

Submissions are now open for the inaugural “Integrated Project Engineering Congress” (IPEC) being held from 26-28 May 2021.

All details are available on the IPEC website:


July 8, 2020

SESA Needs You – Register your interest to be involved

To all SESA Members,

SESA’s newly elected Executive Committee are looking for members to volunteer for the following initiatives during 2020:

  1. Value Proposition Development – Assisting the Chief Value Officer to Engage with members and Develop the SESA Value Proposition
  2. Finance and Governance – Assisting the Treasurer in managing Governance and financial control matters
  3. Social Media and Website Improvement – Assisting the Communications and Engagement Lead to develop a social media strategy and improve the SESA website
  4. Event Planning – assisting the technical director and the Domain Leads plan and deliver exceptional events online and eventually face/to-face.
Read more
June 15, 2020

SESA Call For Nominations 2020/2021 Committee

To all SESA Members,

Thank you to those that attended the SESA General Meeting.  As discussed we are issuing a Call for Nominations.  The selection criteria and position descriptions for each role are as below:

SESA are calling for nominations for the below 5 positions.  The positions will be elected by the SESA Membership for a two-year term commencing 1 July 2020.

  • Comms and Engagement Lead
  • Technical Director
  • Defence/Aero Domain Lead
  • Transport and Cities Domain Lead
  • Telecommunications and Cyber Security Domain Lead

As noted in the attached, if you would like to nominate for one of these positions please send the below information to Read more

June 15, 2020

SESA General Meeting 2020 Recording and Minutes

May 20, 2020


The Australian Systems Engineering Workshop is tentatively scheduled on 26-27 October 2020 in Sydney.

The program will provide both virtual and face-to face participation, with the exact mix to be determined later in the year.

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