SESA aims to provide the national vehicle to make Systems Projects successful through the establishment of a viable Systems Engineering culture in Australia.
SESA’s Origins
SESA has its origins in the Victorian Systems Engineering Branch of the Institute of Engineers, Australia (IEAust), which was formed in 1990. In September 1994, a small group of interested parties launched an initiative towards the formation of an Australian systems engineering association. The network quickly grew to exceed 250, and an informal inaugural meeting was held in Canberra on the 2 December 1994 to formulate the best way ahead. The meeting resulted in the formation of small working parties in several Australian cities to further develop a National position for an association for Systems Engineering in this country.
Several options were analysed, and the best solution arrived at was the formation of a new Technical Society within the IEAust. The main reason for this was:
- The Association needs to have national credibility in Australia in order to influence Systems Engineering Culture, and
- An international window is necessary for the Association to keep abreast of and contribute to world’s best practice in systems engineering.
SESA was formalised as a Technical Society of the IEAust in October 1995 and was launched at a very successful one day conference held in Sydney in October 1995.
Over the years, SESA has had various affiliation agreements with the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). At the SESA 2011 Annual General Meeting, a motion was put to the SESA membership for SESA to merge with the Australian Chapter of INCOSE, and for SESA to become the recognised INCOSE Chapter of Australia whilst remaining a Technical Society of Engineers Australia. This motion was passed and a [Memorandum of Understanding between INCOSE and Engineers Australia] was signed in January 2012 by Samantha Robitaille (INCOSE President) and John Anderson (Engineers Australia Director of Engineering Practice & CPD).
SESA Committee
The SESA Committee is structured into the following levels:
- Executive Committee. This committee is made up of elected members who are charged with the management of SESA for two years.
- Sub-Committee. This committee is made up of appointed volunteers who are contributing to particular initiatives and programs.
In addition, state branches are established in NSW, QLD and Victoria for local events.
SESA Executive Committee
Jawahar Bhalla – President
Alexandra Morey – Chief Value Officer
Paul Pearce – Treasurer/Secretary
Thomas Manley – Technical Director
Carly Edwards – Director Skills and Capability Development
Mikaela Stewart – Communication & Engagement Lead
Marco Meloni – Defence/Aero Domain Lead
Ruben Welschen – Transport & Cities Domain Lead
Andrew Madry – Health Domain Lead
SESA Sub-Committee
Chris Browne – Future Systems Engineers Manager
Carly Edwards – Certification Manager
If you would like to contact a committee member, please send your enquiry via the Contact us page.