Systems Engineering Society of Australia
SESA’s Mission: To share, promote and advance the best of Systems Engineering for the benefit of Australian organisations and community.

SESA’s Mission:

The Systems Engineering Society of Australia (SESA) is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and the Australian affiliated chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).

Technical Societies provide a forum for mutual technical development, networking, expanding and sharing knowledge with like-minded professionals. Members of Technical Societies provide expert opinion on a broad range of issues and have a capacity to exert considerable influence about professional practice in a changing world market.

Why Join SESA?

SESA events, such as SETE, ASEW and NSP are held throughout the year and provide a great opportunity to enhance your systems engineering knowledge as well as meeting others who are passionate about systems engineering. For further information on the benefits of SESA membership please click on the button below

Upcoming Events

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Latest News

SETE24 Paper Exam

We are pleased to announce that SETE24 will include a INCOSE Knowledge Exam. The exam will be held on Monday the 23rd of September at 13:30 AEST at the conference venue, Pullman on the Park, Melbourne. Registration will close on […]

Welcome Paul Pearce – our new Treasurer!

We are excited to welcome Paul Pearce to the SESA committee as our new Treasurer! Paul holds bachelor’s degrees in mechatronic engineering and mathematical and computer sciences, and postgraduate qualifications in defence industry leadership, nuclear engineering and military systems integration. […]

Welcome Marco Meloni – Defence and Aerospace Domain Lead

We have a new committee member joining us, Marco Meloni our new Defence and Aerospace Domain Lead. Please join me in welcoming him to the committee! Marco is a passionate engineering executive with over 20 years’ experience in the field […]

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